If you want tips, ideas and inspiration to help you create a clutter free, organised
and beautifully styled home,
than you are in the right place!!
Hi, I’m Sheree, the writer of Organised Chic’. I am a wife and mother and I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
I love to be organised. For me it creates a sense of calm, and I also love styling my home. Creating beautiful spaces in which to enjoy time spent with family and friends.
If you need help to create a clutter free and organised home, than I hope you can find value in the information I share.
Each home is different in its own way. Yet, simple organising systems, methods for decluttering the excess that always manages to creep in and ways I’ve learnt to style rooms over the years, will work for any type of home.
My intention is to share ideas and methods for organising your home and provide inspiration and ways to style your newly organised rooms so they express you and your family and make your home a sanctuary from the outside world.
Life gets busy! These days we have so many obligations demanding our time. Having systems in place that work easily and seamlessly will keep your home organised and tidy on a daily basis. This frees up time to spend on the important things in life, like family, friends, hobbies and adventure.
Firstly we need to declutter…
The Declutter Your Home menu section will provide you with practical processes to declutter and clean your home. Create a plan of action and work out where to start in the decluttering process. Use checklists, implement routines and find practical storage options to create a calm and clutter-free home.
Identify what you do and don’t need and get rid of the excess so you can truly enjoy the possessions that matter most to you.
Than it’s time to get organised…
The Organise Your Home section will show you how to put simple systems into place in your home to keep things organised, tidy and looking great. Organise room by room, discover ways to bring organisation into all areas of home and life and implement a household management system to keep things running smoothly.
Focus on creating routines that will therefore make it easier to stay on top of daily chores. Examine ways to tackle paper clutter while setting up routines for budgeting and bill paying. Make preparing meals a breeze with meal planning methods that work.
And finally, start styling…
Now for the fun part….You have decluttered your home and removed all the excess that was weighing you down. You have implemented new systems to keep things organised and efficient and can therefore start expressing your style and creating beautiful spaces.
Styling our homes is a great way to express who we are and what we like as individuals. Creating a space that truly belongs to us can evoke a sense of joy every time we walk into the room. It’s the little touches that add to the ambience of a space and sets it apart as our own.
Decor and styling can set the mood for each room, such as a quiet corner to curl up with a book or turning a boring office into an elegant work space.
Something as simple as the way we make the bed, the items placed on the kitchen bench or how we arrange the books in the bookshelf can change the overall appearance of a room. Furthermore, the Style Your Home section will provide you with plenty of styling inspiration. Plus many easy and free ways to improve the overall style of your home, that anyone can try.
So what are you waiting for, let’s get started!!
Where to find what you are looking for…
Click on the New? Start Here menu tab to get started.
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