Spring is when our gardens start to come back to life and awaken after the cold conditions of winter. This is a great time to freshen up the gardens and give your plants an extra boost for the growing season. Here are some spring gardening tips to do around your place this weekend.
Establishing routines for your family and home – Stay organised and in control
Establishing family routines will help you to stay organised. Routines are well planned, regular and predictable actions. We all incorporate routines into our day, many of which will become habits over time. You may have daily routines that you already follow and aren’t necessarily aware of. For example, you walk the dog at 5 pm every afternoon, or you go to the gym at the same time every day or your family has a BBQ lunch every Sunday. Your routine has become a habit.
Reducing paper clutter in the home
Paper clutter has always been a problem in my home. It use to feel like I was drowning in a sea of paper. So I have put together a few ideas to help reduce the amount of paper that finds its way into the home. These tips have certainly worked for me and hopefully they will for you as well.
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Household Tasks – Cleaning out the Fridge
Keep your fridge sparkling, clean and organised with a weekly clean out. Follow these tips for cleaning out the fridge. The best day to do this is the day before your weekly rubbish collection. You can place out of date and spoiled food directly into the rubbish to be promptly disposed of without stinking up the bins.
Quick tips for organising your holiday
When it comes to organising your holiday it can be quite stressful. It always seems like there is a lot to plan and organise. With the use of the internet these days it makes it much easier when it comes to planning and organising your holiday, whether it be domestic or overseas.
I’ve put together a few tips to help you plan your next holiday with ease.
How to create an inviting bedroom sanctuary where you can relax and unwind
We start and end our day in the bedroom, so why not create an inviting bedroom sanctuary where you can unwind and relax.
What statement does your bedroom make?
Does it look like you’ve just checked into a spa retreat on a tropical island or more like someone has just ransacked your room? [Read more…]